CrisSoft develops and supports Mercury Medical products.
Our software is a proven industry solution, trusted in offices across the nation, and ranked nationally.
- Collector’s Working List
- Status Master Control
- Generates Letters
- Solves any 835 Import, EOB permanently linked to payments and adjustments
- Solves any 837 Export
- 2 levels of Claim scrubbing
- Statements: patient, third party, institutional
- Electronic/ Paper claims
- Automation with Job Management Program
- Can be Configured to ANY RCM Process
- Appointment scheduling
- Alerts
- Eligibility
- Patient demographics
- Built in Reporting, over 62 Reports
- Provider/ Facility Reporting
- Easy Import/Export Functionality with the Transfer Master
- No exclusivity, connect to EMR/ EHR/ Clearing house of your choice
- CrisSoft is a preferred vendor
- CrisSoft Support
- Compliance Guaranteed
- Table-driven system
- Software Stability
- Balance to the Penny, All Reports tie to each other
Pam B.
“The support team is great! If you are having an issue with any of the processes they listen to you and will adapt it to your clinic needs.”
Frank L.
“Mercury has allowed us to reduce our process times be as much as 65% for claims and payment posting.”
Albert P.
“The product is excellent, well structured and easy to use. This was evidenced by their ability to incorporate our specific requirements that were essential for us to abide by California guidelines.”
Automation is a major perk of using Mercury Medical. What manual process are you spending time and money on?
Request a product demonstration and we will show you how to save time and money with Mercury Medical Automation!